Sunday, September 12, 2010

9/11 Food for Thought

Is it possible that the 9/11 attack was planned by America to manufacture a reason for war?

I really believe we will never know the answer to this question because they will just manufacture lies to cover up their deeds. Even with the lies... certain things just don't add up.

One of the main issues for me, is that no one has been able to give a satisfactory explanation for the collapse of Building 7. It simply should NOT have come down. It was fortified to withstand a direct attack yet crumbled because it was "weakened". Yet buildings closer to the towers and less fortified were fine....

In fact there were buildings directly next to the towers that actually did sustain damage from the plane debris, yet they did not collapse... why is that? There are eye witnesses that talk about hearing a countdown and video of fireman saying to clear the area cause there was a bomb getting ready to explode.

If the Plane that the heroic passengers of Flight 93 prevented from reaching its destination HAD arrived at its target... would it have been Building 7?

Is THAT why they HAD to bring it down... to cover up that it was "rigged" to go down in addition to the two towers?

I make no assumptions and I know that conspiracy theories are rampant. I know that people who believe in conspiracy can be as extreme and as biased as folks who feel this was all the work of evil Muslims. Somewhere in the middle is the truth. You decide for yourself... these video's are just food for thought. We know what the "official" version is, so let's explore what the other explanations are.

Part 1

Part 2

We owe it to ourselves to ask. If the "official explanation" is the truth then so be it, but if it's not, then we owe it to the people who lost their lives both on the day of the attack and the ensuing War that killed more Americans and Iraqi's in the name of revenge.