Thursday, September 29, 2011

What Happens When America Calls Out Sick

Here is a short video from the Texas Tribune that encapsulates perfectly what this country is facing when it comes to uninsured citizens.

It talks about the 6.2 MILLION... yes MILLION Texans who have no Health Care Insurance. And guess what... most of these folks HAVE jobs. That's right, they are not lazy bums, but real middle class working American folk. 

Now picture an entire country, not just Texas being in the same sinking boat.

If we allow people to go without health care and they become sick, then the money we will eventually spend on the sick and dying, will bring this country to a screeching halt. No one wins.

Even rich people who HATE to part with their money, should want Health Care for ALL.

Here is the choice: You can pay a little more in taxes now which allows the country to be productive because it's full of healthy people and therefore thrives or pay for it in ways you can't even imagine later by allowing the majority of the people in this country fall by the wayside.

What happens when America Calls out Sick? Well, other countries will thrive economically and look at us like a bunch of morons... that's what.

The Majority of us are NOT rich. So the majority of the people in this country should WANT coverage for all. Yet the Right Wing Crazies don't? Why?

It's like all the insane people of the country got together and formed a club. The Tea Party. Only Mad Hatters and delusional characters please. Oh and maybe a grinning FAT CATor two.

 If you use logic and think about it, it will cost MORE money and ruin our country if the majority of it's citizens are sick and dying with no one to do their jobs.

HOW does that help our country?

There's only one reason the right wing doesn't want it and that's Bigotry.

It's not about money, it couldn't be because it will cost us more then you can possibly calculate (if you throw human lives into the equation) if the majority of the people in this country are sick and dying.

I dare anyone to explain why you don't want ALL AMERICANS to be healthy?

It's completely unpatriotic to start with, it's illogical, it's inhumane and it's un-Christian.

I think it's time we tell the Mad Hatters and the Fat Cats and little miss Alice in Wonderland that the party is OVER

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The WaySeer Man

Got this from a Great Friend... Just watch it... :)

Thursday, September 8, 2011

"Who Was Jesus" TV Series ~ Was he the First Hippy?

In my fascination with learning about different Religions, I watched a TV series from Discovery on the Planet Green Channel and was blown away by the series called Who Was Jesus.

I am 99.9% an Atheist, giving room for the fact that I simply do not know if God exists or not. If he does, I would bet God is beyond anything we can fathom. Just wanted you to know where my head is before I go on. :) Even though I am an Atheist I consider myself to be very very spiritual, therefore I call myself a Spiritual Atheist.

I believe that all Religion was based in spirituality but that what it's really become over time is a perverted tool used for controlling people.

That's why I do not believe in organized religion. To me they are nothing more then various types of cults in place to get you to do what they want and support their agenda.

I think the Catholic religion is more like "the Mob" then they are about God, shaking down millions of people all over the world for pennies so they can live in palaces while promising them that God will help them ... but only if they obey what they tell them to do. It's a con game in my opinion. And if it's not about the money, it's about a sense of power and feeding your ego.

Well.... after watching this series, I believe all of that even more so.

I personally believe that Christ lived.... and ..... that he was the very first Hippy... :)

I don't believe he performed miracles or was resurrected or any of that, but I do feel that he was a very special human being.

I honestly believe in the teachings of Christ, even though I am an Atheist.... how do you like that! :)

But, I don't believe he was the manifestation of God. I think that what this human being taught in his day was so controversial and so scary and so important and spoke to the core of Humanity, that the higher ups (priests who were in cahoots with the Roman Empire) and the people in power (Romans) had to get rid of him, they had no choice or they would lose control.

And when they did crucify him and make an example of him, his amazing journey and life story was told over and over and he became a legend that was then transformed into some other worldly super being by people as a way to calm their minds and give them hope and peace of mind. That some day... they too would enter the Kingdom of God and be safe and happy and at peace. It's a bedtime story for fearful adults. Instead of holding onto a baby blanket people hold onto crosses and other objects like a child who needs comfort.

And if you need that to make you feel better... it's okay... because how you get through the day is up to you and no one else. :) It's YOUR life. I am not here to change your beliefs but to share with you how I see the world and maybe through my perceptions, you will see the world with bigger eyes and be less afraid. If what I am saying is not for you, there is no harm done in seeing things from another point of view.

Steps off soapbox.... :)

Getting back to the series....

If you watch the shows, it's clear that Jesus was all about defending the poorest and sickest and the most persecuted. He wanted free medicine for all people. He wanted farmers to be free of taxes so that the priests and politicians could live off their sweat in luxury. He wanted people to give up their possessions and live modestly.
...I tell you the truth, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.
Parallel versions appear in Matthew 19:23-24, Mark 10:24-25, and Luke 18:24-25.

That my friends is NOT what the Right Wing Republican party is all about.

So how exactly did Christianity become the foundation of this parties agenda?

True Christians are people who follow his teachings and giving tax breaks to the wealthy while workers are taxed more and allowing corporations and banks to literally steal our money and get a pass is the polar opposite of what Christ taught.

Where is the disconnect? How did this happen?

My theory is this....

You are a mega rich trillionaire... how do you get the masses of people who vote in this country to back your party so you can keep all your money and possessions?

How do you manipulate them into thinking that voting for the party that represents the wealthy is what middle America should vote for too?

You can't... unless you can get inside their heads and prey on their fears. Tell them Santa will leave coal instead of presents... oh wait that's another story... sorry. Somehow you have to convince them that bad things will happen if they don't beleive, things that happened in the Bible like floods and plagues as punishment from God and you prey on their fear of going to hell to manipulate them. That you take the Bible and pervert it to use it to con people into thinking that poor, sick, uneducated, elderly, needy people are evil in the eyes of the lord. Cause that is what the GOP is doing... trying to convince you that people like that are the problem with the country/world and that everyone is on his own unless you are "Too Big to fail"... cause then you get a safety net.

I truly believe that is what has happened, that Religion became a tool for the wicked to control the masses. 

Todays word: Fear Monger 
Republicans used to be by the book, clean cut, hard working business people. They used to be decent wonderful people, pillars of the community. People who built factories and bussinesses so that we could have jobs and maybe one day even be the boss.

Republicans used to be good folk. We needed them. It was like a flower needing a bee. 

Now all I see are violent, racist, bigoted, homophobic, extremists who threaten the livelihood of every day America with their fear mongering and hatred and lies. They are the antithesis of what Christ was all about. They are wolves in sheeps clothing.

They don't represent business in a way that is American and helps the country any longer - they represent themselves and greed and indulgence and their obscene wealth has made them so insane with power that they will do anything to keep it.

Like send innocents to war so they can profit from rebuilding what they destroyed.

They hire thugs to Lobby for them so they can keep their money.

They put politicians in their pockets so they can dictate laws that benefit them and not the welfare of the country as a whole.

They keep on trying to convince middle America that they are the party of morals when in fact they are the party of lies and deceit and manipulation.

If you are a Christian and a Republican.... you are on the wrong side folks.... cause Jesus was a liberal Hippy to the core.

Open your eyes.... the truth will set you free.

Little Update... great minds think alike!

Article:  Republican Jesus

  Yeah... what HE said!!!