Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Confederate Flag Shaming

In the aftermath of the South Carolina Church shooting, and the focus it put on racism via symbols, merchandisers Wal-mart and Sears just stepped into the 21st century folks!

They will no longer sell the Confederate Flag or symbols of it, in it's stores. Three cheers for them for doing the RIGHT THING! 

AND ... who knows, they might even be a catalyst for change in the fight against racism. Wouldn't that be awesome?

On top of that, the flag on South Carolina's Capitol grounds is coming down after years of denying it was a racist symbol. With so much in our world that goes wrong or goes badly and depresses the hell out of us all, we now have a beacon of hope that our collective will CAN make a difference.

What a victory for the good guys! And what a turning point in our culture! 

We all know there will be a backlash from the people who are deeply bigoted. And guess what, you are allowed to be a bigot. You are allowed to keep wearing it and displaying it. 

Just know that if you do, it will be a piece of cake to identify you as a bigot. You WILL be judged and hopefully shamed for openly being a racist. 

You want a symbol that represents the South? Find another one. One that does not conjure up hate and oppression. Just because it's part of history does not make it a good thing, so take that argument and throw it out the window. A point of pride does not include the enslavement of human beings. And shame on you for not knowing that on your own.

Our country should be proud of this step forward. The goal is to keep moving forward and to keep making the world a better place, and you can become a Drippy Hippy too ... 



ABC News