Saturday, April 24, 2010

The GOP Solved the Health Care Issue!

I didn't think they had it in them!

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Next time you go to the doctor stop at the supermarket first. Maybe find out what your Doctor likes first, does he have a certain brand of bagels he likes for instance....

{{{Bangs head on desk}}}.... WAIT... that might cost me a bag of oranges!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Who are the People in The Tea Party?

Ut oh... I am in real trouble now!!! Well, I won't shut up and neither will other Hippies like me.... cause it's my right to speak up... or are only People in the Tea Party allowed to speak? It's stuff like this that has me scratching my head. WHO are the people in the Tea Party? Isn't telling someone to shut up against our constitutional right? Can you imagine a liberal telling a Tea Party member to shut up... yikes!!! The Freedom of Speech issue would ignite faster then a Texas Barbecue!

Well, in keeping with my attempt at trying to understand who these people are, I came across this article from a site called Alternet where the author talks about the people who are aligning themselves with the Tea Party. It gives some perspective into who they are for the most part. It's a generalization, maybe a bit harsh, but a fairly accurate one in my opinion from what I have seen of the activity that goes on at many of their social sites on the internet.

This is a subject I have really been struggling with myself. I wanted to understand what makes them tick. I want to find how they differ from Main stream Republicans. When I came across this article, it really just crystallized it for me.

Are the Teabaggers Just Republicans in Denial?

What had eluded me all this time was a simple explanation. For the most part... people in the Tea Party certainly seem to be annoyed, angry, bitter people who are humiliated that they got their butts kicked by wimpy peaceful Democrats (AKA Hippies). They basically just don't want to align themselves with the losing side. They are... I am afraid to say... sore losers.

Take a look at their Mission Statement it seems harmless enough, but when you look at the discussions and the replies and the blog posts and the pictures they post of themselves... a clear type of person emerges.

These are people who want a Revolution and pepper their social site with images to bolster this state of mind. Images after all are worth a thousand words. Don't take my word for it... look for yourself...

There you will find a women who dresses herself in 1860's garb, countless pictures of Revolutionary & Civil War images, people in Tri-corner hats wearing Wal-Mart shirts made to look like the Flag, LOTS of pictures of guns, military planes, tanks, trucks, Swamp buggies (or trucks hopped up on steroids to go hunting in the woods for man eating deer and rabbit) pictures of signs about guns like the one above.

There are pictures of Obama in lots of nasty cartoons and mocked up images like this one.

Then we have the threatening ones with blood on swords like this one.

Not sure if you can see it but they have Obama... spelled oboma (Click on it to see a bigger image)

There's pictures of Jesus, and more stylized versions of the American flag that I ever knew existed...

And then there are clever shirts like this one. Funny, most liberals I know work... hmmmm... you know, people like those lazy ass Teachers and Social Workers, writers, poets, environmentalists, Professors of Law, scientists... you know the kind!

I could go on.... but you get the idea. Point being that these are not people looking for a solution to a problem.

They basically are PISSED and looking for someone to Blame!!! But if they want to point fingers... why aren't they pointing them at the guy who got us into the Debt we are in? We are paying those taxes you are fighting tooth and nail over cause of "W". Why don't you have one of your rallies on his Ranch?

America is about freedom and we all have the right to our beliefs and people in the Tea Party have every right to dissent.

But WHAT are they upset over? That's the real question. From the outside looking in... to me ... they look like people who don't want to live in a country where people help each other and no one is left out because of money or color or age, or disability or orientation. To me... people in the Tea Party are intolerance incarnate. Well good luck with that.... hope it all works out for you. Cause us Hippies ....feel a little differently.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Ben Franklin's "Join or Die" Was Not a Threat

One of the things I've noticed on these Tea Party sites (if you are brave enough to join one) is the use of a cartoon drawing of a snake in pieces, published in Benjamin Franklin's News Paper the Gazette...
The Join or Die cartoon depicting the snake was representation of Uniting the Colonies.

It was a plea for UNITY.... it was not a threat.

Well "Tea Baggers" have managed to get their facts wrong yet again. The Tea Party uses this iconic American.... Join or Die symbol as if it means.... JOIN US or you DIE you S.O.B.

They have completely missed the meaning of the cartoon. Ben Franklin was a peace loving man... a man who believed in the greater good. He was not a militant who resorted to violence. Yet somehow, these Ultra Right Wing Radicals, who love to claim that only they are "The True Americans" are twisting the meaning of a symbol that professed UNITY.

This is not a symbol meant to threaten....

It is ...once again ...this delusional thinking that seems to be rampant among Tea Party Members. And it's not just a few people... it's not isolated cases. Visit their sites... read what they write.... you will go to bed with one eye open in fear. They want a Revolution... They want a fight....

Our forefathers created this great country of ours so that people could escape tyranny and injustice.

Yet theses so called "Tea Party Patriots" twist and bend and trample on the very things our forefathers were trying to create for this land. It's the ultimate irony. Their Social Community is chock full of pictures of American Revolutionary images. I think someone needs to tell them it's 2010 not 1770.

And maybe also point out that the images they cling to... actually represent the ideals of a time and a people who were looking for a way to unite people in our new country.... not incite them into fighting each other.

Join or Die is about coming together as a country... not about fighting your fellow American.

Little info for your reading pleasure.

From Wikipedia:

Join, or Die is a well-known political cartoon,created by Benjamin Franklin and first published in his Pennsylvania Gazette on May 9, 1754. The original publication by the Gazette is the earliest known pictorial representation of colonial union produced by a British colonist in America. It is a woodcut showing a snake severed into eighths, with each segment labeled with the initials of a British American colony or region. New England was represented as one segment, rather than the four colonies it was at that time. In addition, Delaware and Georgia were omitted completely. Thus, it has 8 segments of snake rather than the traditional 13 colonies. The cartoon appeared along with Franklin's editorial about the "disunited state" of the colonies, and helped make his point about the importance of colonial unity.

Here's an interesting site called Founding Fathers

Note this section of text: "It was a plea for unity in defending the colonies during the French and Indian War."

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

What Do Taxes Pay For? Where shall we Begin?

I copied this from a site called BuzzFlash..... it says it all. It's an old list and link but I just came across it.

So if people in the "Tea Party" want to stop paying taxes.... let them .... let's see what services they won't get....


We at BuzzFlash get so tired of people who tell us they "hate paying taxes" or they complain that the government does nothing but "waste" their tax dollars.

So, in an effort to help those who suffer from the delusion that they pay too much in taxes or that all of their taxes are wasted, we thought we'd create a list that BuzzFlash Readers can send to these whining babies, we mean, our Republican friends.

If you don't like paying taxes . . .

- Don't drive on paved streets or highways.

- Don't call 911.

- Don't flush your toilet.

- Don't bring your garbage to the curb.

- Don't fly in an airplane that uses air-traffic controllers.

- Don't use the court system.

- Don't call the police when you get robbed.

- Don't use the US Post Office, send all your letters via FedEx or UPS.

- Don't ask for a farm subsidy for not growing crops.

- Don't ask for a taxpayer subsidy to do business in a city or state.

- Don't buy a sports franchise and ask the taxpayers to build your stadium.

- Don't send your children to public schools.

- Don't attend a state university.

- Don't expect a social security payment.

- Don't let Medicare pay your bills if you are over 65 or disabled.

- Don't look for a government contract to bolster your defense industry business.

- Don't look for a government.

- Don't look for a lucrative government consultant contract.

- Don't run for political office where your salary is paid for by the taxpayers.

- Don't accept government research findings that subsidize research for your industry.

- Don't be an airline and expect the government to bail you out.

- Don't be a car company and expect the government to bail you out.

- Don't be a steel company and expect the government to bail you out.

- Don't be a company that pollutes and expect the taxpayer to bail you out.

- Don't climb to the top of the Washington Monument, which is maintained at taxpayer expense.

- Don't make use of police services.

- Don't be rescued by fire department paramedic team.

- Don't call the fire department.

- Don't expect federal assistance if a natural disaster destroys your home or business.

- Don't expect the military to defend your country.

Contributed by BuzzFlash Readers:

- Don't visit national parks or hike in national forests.

- Don't eat USDA inspected meat, cheese, eggs or produce.

- Don't take any medications tested and approved by the FDA.

- Don't drink, bath or otherwise use the water from municipal water systems.

- Don't look at or relay a weather report.

- Don't look at a NASA generated picture.

- Don't expect a unit of measure like a gallon of gas to be a full gallon.

- Don't expect an elevator to work correctly or not fall.

- Don't expect a red light to work.

- Don't be the Minority Senate Leader Named Trent Lott and expect American taxpayers to subsidize the building of private industry cruiseliner ships in your home state.

- Don't accept government money to help develop a product which you then personally patent or copyright and sell for your own profit.

- Don't use the services of a doctor who is licensed through the state.

- Don't expect research into medical problems such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, aging, prostrate, menopause, etc.

- Don't use the public library.

- Don't go to a state university affiliated hospital.

- Don't go to a state university.

- Don't watch state college sports.

- Don't apply for government grants.

- Don't use your state's convention centers.

- Don't go to a state, city or municipal-run airport.

- Don't ask for rural electrification.

- Don't ask for FEC regulations that protect us from crooked financial planners.

- Don't ask to keep the airwaves free so your right-wing psycho radio talk show host can lie to you.

- Don't ask for a business loan from the small business administration.

- Don't ask to use the G.I. bill to go to college.

- Don't allow Al Gore to sponsor legislation to turn a military computer network (DARPANet/ARPANet) into the public-accessed "Internet."

- Don't drive a car that benefits from government safety regulations.

- Don't use electricity generated by TVA or some government-owned and maintained dam or facility.

- Don't use currency printed by the US Treasury.

- Don't use a bank or credit union that insures your deposits through the FDIC.

- Don't buy or build a house that requires the efforts of county deed offices or needs building permits and inspections.

- Don't get married, have children or die and expect the government to keep track of all the certificates.

- Don't expect the government to keep an eye on cemeteries, crematories and funeral homes so you won't get dug up and thrown in a swamp. And ask George Bush why he lied about his involvement with a company that did just that.

- Don't run for an elected office, because the local, state and federal election commissions could be involved.

- Don't go to a beach kept clean by the state.

- Don't use public transportation.

- Don't visit public museums.

- Don't go hunting, fishing, or camping on government property.

- Don't cross a bridge.

- Don't use truckstops or public restrooms.

June 24, 2002 Updates

- Don't expect the government to protect the copyright for the works you create.

- Don't move to any other developed nation, because the taxes are higher in all
the others, except South Africa.

- Don't expect your tap water to be clean and germ free.

- Don't expect there to be much wildlife left other than rats.

- Don't use wood or eat meat grown on Forest Service or BLM land.

- Don't eat any food transported on roads.

- Don't eat any vegetables in winter, 'cause they're mostly grown with "reclaimed" water.

- Don't expect any workplace safety standards, labor laws, or minimum wage.

- Don't use any gasoline, oil, or natural gas that was discovered by the USGS.

- Don't live in New Orleans, Sacramento or any other city protected by a levee.

- Don't expect zoning laws.

- Don't expect clean air, clean water, clean soil, etc.

- Don't expect highway signs.

- Don't expect laws against murder, theft, etc. (the govt. DEFINES crime).

- Don't expect to OWN anything, like your house, car, etc. (the govt. keeps track
of titles).

- Don't expect anyone to plow your roads when it snows or sweep them when they're dirty.

- Don't expect the government to regulate industries that have monopolies and use that power to raise your rates for reduced service and product quality.

- Don't expect the government to keep gasoline rates low, compared to the rest of the world.

- Don't expect convicted criminals to be in prison and off your street.

- Don't expect the local government to condemn private property at below market rates so that your major league baseball franchise can build a stadium on the land and make millions of dollars in profit while leaving the taxpayers to foot the bill when the courts order the government to pay the property owners a fair price.

July 26, 2002 Updates

- Don't expect to receive a cheap land lease on Federal lands, then mine or cut the forest for your profit with no repayment to the landlord (we the people).

- Don't expect to have uniform building codes.

- Don't expect to go to buildings and high rises that have been reviewed and inspected during construction to ensure it was built to current building codes.

- Don't expect to eat in restaurants that have been inspected to ensure cleanliness and the safe preparation of food.

- Don't expect your children to be able to ride the bus to school.

- Don't try to adopt a child through your county or state government.

- Don't expect the state or county to pay foster parents to take care of the children left abandoned or orphaned.

- Don't expect the state or county to investigate and/or remove children from neglectful or abusive homes.

- Don't visit the Smithsonian.

- Don't write any material to be published and copyright it.

- Don't go to your book store and try to find a book by its ISBN number.

- Don't expect the government to stop the auto companies from building SUVs that roll over and kill your wife and kids.

- Don't expect the court to appoint a taxpayer-paid attorney to represent you (or your child) when you are accused of a crime.

- Don't call or go to the US Embassy in a foreign country when you get in trouble.

- Don't get a passport or try to get out of the US without a Passport.

- Don't expect to enjoy the benefits of the most stable regime in the world.

And finally . . .

- Don't complain to us about how much you pay in taxes because we think taxes can be a good thing and WE DON'T WANT TO HEAR YOUR WHINING ANYMORE!

* * *

Let us know if we missed anything. Just like our list of Demands, We'll refine and rebuild this list until it's clear and concise so you can share it with your friends, both those that understand how their taxes are being used and those that need to know.

Link to the Mission Statement of the "Tea Party"

Home Page link to the "Tea Party" Ning page

Don't forget to comment! You can do so anonymously... :)

Monday, April 12, 2010

Violence from a Few "Patriots"

Ah yes... Threatening people with Bodily Harm when you didn't get your way... way to go!!!

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Love Thy Neighbor as you would Thyself... Guess these people missed that part of the Bible.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Please Lady, Just The Facts...

Remember Dragnet? Good Old Joe Friday!!! Too bad he and Bill Gannon can't sit Sarah Palin down and stoically question her until they get the facts!

Palin makes a few errors in her convention speech

Sarah Palin made a splash over the weekend as the keynote speaker at the first National Tea Party convention, and she followed up with an interview on Fox News Sunday. But she didn’t always stick to the facts.

  • Palin implied that the Nigerian would-be Christmas Day bomber stopped talking after he was read his Miranda rights. He did, but not for good. He began talking again extensively after counterterrorism agents enlisted the help of his family, and he has provided information on all the subjects Palin mentioned, authorities say.
  • Palin stretched the truth when she said that $6 million in stimulus funds went to a Democratic pollster. In fact, only $4.36 million was spent on the contract, which was with the giant public relations firm Burson-Marsteller, where the pollster is CEO.
  • Palin repeated her oft-stated, greatly exaggerated claim that Alaska produces 20 percent of the U.S. domestic energy supply. The actual figure is just under 2.9 percent.
  • Her claim that the state spent "millions" dealing with ethics complaints against her is one that has been disputed. Her own tally is less than $2 million, and an Anchorage newspaper said most of that was salaries of state workers who would have been paid whether or not Palin was being investigated.

Does she not KNOW people can check facts???? When she reads off her hand... I mean papers... I mean Teleprompter.... doesn't she know that people will take what she says and check to see if it's correct? This kind of behavior is called Delusional thinking...

If she's not Mentally ill.... then the alternative is far more frightening.

Roger Wilco over and out...

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Will Obama Be A ScapeGoat?

So I got a phone call from my Doctor's office tonight saying they had been contacted by my Insurance Provider, who said I hadn't been in for my Blood work and eye tests etc., lately.

I was confused and said that no... only three weeks ago I was at their office and had blood drawn at their office and that I was going to a specialist they referred me to and wouldn't you know it... had More blood work done at that office....whew!!!!! This is not even including the three days of the "Tag You're it" phone calls cause they got my hubby's appointment wrong... You know the drill folks... I wanted someone to blame... I wanted to point a finger...

Then it came to me like a bolt of lightening, that it's a good thing the new Health Care Reform/Law hadn't kicked into action yet.

Like voices calling out in a bad dream... I pictured millions of people blaming Obama for stuff like this. I envisioned them saying things like...

This kind of stuff never happened before....

See this is what you get with "Government Run" Health Care...

This would have never happened before the Government screwed things up...

So the Drippy Hippy is making a landmark Prediction.... when people have a problem with anything that goes awry in the future with their health care.... Obama will be the scapegoat. It's our nature to place blame just like I wanted to do.

The days of cursing the Insurance Companies will be a thing of the past...

It won't be about the Doctor messing up or
about the nurse or the office staff getting it wrong... it won't be about human error... it won't be about bad decisions or Malpractice... it will all be about Obama and how it's His Fault.

It will be his fault cause
he created the system. It will be his fault because he made it too hard for Doctors to do their job. It will be his fault because regulations are too strict.... need I go on?

So place your bets now.... how close do you think I will come to predicting the future?

Jon Stewart Makes me Laugh...

Just watch... and enjoy!

Fox "News" Made her Think She was Going to Jail..

This is the kind of stuff that makes my hair stand up on the back of my neck. In a Town Hall Meeting a woman was convinced people would Go to Jail if they didn't sign on for the new Health Care Bill....

Here a Republican... tries to explain that Fox "News" has an Agenda... and is NOT reporting facts but instead are reporting stories they essentially "make up" to scare people.

Please watch this...

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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Should the Pope Step Down?

When you are the Spiritual and Moral leader of millions of people around the world and do something criminally and morally wrong... shouldn't you humble yourself and step down from that role? Or at the very least confess your transgressions as is expected from your flock...

The Pope certainly has a storm cloud over his head amidst all the documented cases of sexual abuse endured by innocent children from within the Catholic Church for decades now.

Here is the recent article about the current state of things from the New York Post

The denial of these acts is delusional at best. These are criminal acts and yet they are being given a pass because the Pope and the Catholic Church as a whole...believe they are above the law.

If these acts were being committed by a secular organization... say the 4H club... wouldn't they be in jail? Would the Pope and his almighty Church call for the protection of children being raped and molested by 4H leaders or would they stand by as abusers got transferred to other locations? Why are we as a society allowing this? Why aren't Catholic's across the Globe calling for his removal?

If the moral and spiritual leader of the Catholic Church is morally bankrupt himself... what hope is there for the future of the church? If he was a true servant of God... he would step down, take the blame, repent and spend the rest of his natural life doing things to help the victims that suffered because his arrogance and ego.

Whoopi Goldberg made an impassioned plea on the View today... see what she says here

The View Video Clip Of Whoopi telling it like it is...

Monday, April 5, 2010

Doctor!!! Doctor!!! Find ThySelf a Cure...

Is this a way to make the world a better place... by refusing care and breaking the Oath you took... of course this post is about Dr. Jack Cassell, who turns patients away because he doesn't like their politics...

Physician... you better heal thyself or get thee to a good Shrink!

I realize this is just one person... one example of a sociopath... but he represents how morally & ethically bankrupt a Right Winger can be...

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Turns out Dr. Jack is crazy... wait til you hear this garbage! And people believe him because he is a doctor!

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The Logic... Refuse to treat patients because you "think" Obama will be cutting their care in the future... WHAT?????

Ignorance is NOT Bliss

This is going to be a long post folks so get comfy! Having your head in the sand like an Ostrich from time to time is actually okay, but if you do it all the time... it's a problem.

It's a problem for you but it also becomes a problem for those around you. Ignorance may be Bliss... but it can also be a disaster...

This is a very difficult subject for me to write about because I am not trying to say that Ignorance is about being unintelligent. Many smart, clever educated people can be completely Ignorant. And I am not writing this to name call. I am writing this because a certain type of Ignorance seems to be increasing in numbers in this country and it's effecting us as a Nation. Maybe it's just that it's getting more media attention in our society... either way.. we have to get a handle on it.

There are too many examples of how bad it is in this country, so I am going to focus on just one a little further on in this post. But for now, what does the dictionary say...

Ignorance:The condition of being ignorant: the lack of knowledge in general, or in relation to a particular subject: the state of being uneducated or uninformed.

But in my mind there are two "levels" of ignorance.

One of them is a choice.

The first is a lack of information available to you. This is the innocent side of ignorance, the side that you can't point fingers and say well you should know better. Well if no one ever explained it, how could you know? This kind of ignorance is acceptable because it's not the fault of the ignorant person.

The second type in my opinion is more like a form of Apathy... it's about not giving a damn even when the facts are right in front of you... and that's the kind of ignorance that does the most damage and the type I take issue with.

Because with that type of ignorance there is always an attitude... there's always some sort of a chip on someones shoulder and a type of unwillingness to learn regardless of the benefits to be gained.

The world has exploded with informational resources... it's everywhere... you can't get away from it unless you actively shut yourself off from it. And as a society... we are completely stressed out from it.

We need to shut down, turn off and tune out... just for our own mental health because it's too much to absorb. Life was simple before the information age hit us full throttle. So I understand and agree with every person who needs to bury their head from time to time. I do it myself.

But when people are actively ignorant because they are self absorbed or callous or arrogant and wear it as a badge of honor... their ignorance effects us all

In some cases ignorance can even be deadly. Ignorance can spread like a sort of virus and an example of this, is the West Virginia town being filmed for the show "Food Revolution" with Jamie Oliver.
If you are not familiar with the program, Jamie Oliver is a British Chef who was horrified with the food British children were being served at school and made it his life mission to bring about change there. And boy did he ever!!! He got an entire country to see the light giving the children there a proper start in leading healthier and longer lives.

Jamie decided to come to America to get the ball rolling here as well since we are so obese as a nation. He selected the town that had the worst health problems in America. He went to the schools there and was again horrified at what they were feeding kids. I was horrified too. One of the scariest parts about the situation there was that the food was actually meeting guidelines for the school district. In effect these school were just ignorantly following the rules.

Go ahead and Bang your head on your desk with me now...

Now the kids are the innocents in all this of course. But the adults.... they should be ashamed. It's ignorance... but it's that active ignorance with attitude that gets me so angry. This is why I went to such lengths to explain what I believe the difference is.

If you are ignorant because the information isn't available to you... you get a free pass...

But if you are ignorant because you choose to shut out information.... then you deserve what you get. Problem solved.... sort of...

If you are ignorant by choice... that's fine. But when you impose your ignorance on children... I am sorry but it's practically a form of abuse and should be punishable somehow.

Ignorance may be Bliss... but not if it's putting your life and the life of those around you in harms way.

This is just one tiny example of ignorance, there are countless others and I will cite others in the future.

The main idea I am trying to express in this post is that what you do and how you live effects others. Ignorance is a problem in this country and it's my hope to simply encourage people to take their head out of the sand more often then not...

The world is big and scary and we all need to hide sometimes,
but if you keep your head buried... you're just missing out.


Friday, April 2, 2010

HOPE... Okay for Sarah but NOT Obama...

I swear this woman needs help from a Psychiatrist or something.... she mocks Obama for talking about Hope ... yet when she says the same exact thing... all of a sudden it's Virtuous?

So which is it Sarah... is Hope a Sappy thing to be mocked or something we all need in our lives... Pick one...

In her FaceBook post to wish her Fans a nice Easter Holiday she says this...
A Celebration of Hope

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). This one verse sums up the miracle that is the Easter season and helps explain the celebration. Yes, Christ died for us, but in the end Easter isn’t a season of sadness. Ultimately, the story of Christ’s rising from the dead three days after the crucifixion is the story of the triumph of hope over despair.

Hope is one of America’s unique virtues. Hope makes us dream and achieve the seemingly impossible. It’s who we are, and it’s why we’re able to always believe that our best days are yet to come, both for our families and for our country. Easter time reminds us that we have every right to believe that this hope is based on time-tested truths and a solid foundation.On behalf of the Palin family, I wish you all a peaceful and reflective Good Friday and a blessed and happy Easter Sunday.

- Sarah Palin
Excuse me Sarah darlin.... but weren't you All over Obama for being sappy in his use of the concept of HOPE for America??? So the message of Hope is okay... as long as it is coming from you?

Here she is.... Spreading Hope