Friday, November 6, 2015

Press 1 for English ... or get a Beer Mug to the Face

How many times have you heard folks complain about having to choose a prompt for English? It's normally followed by, this is America, speak American.

News flash.... there is no "American language".

In America, many languages are spoken. Start with the American Indian, Kings English, Spanish, Italian, German, Polish, French, Hebrew, Swedish, Arabic, Swahili, Russian, Chinese and a whole host of others.

America is a melting pot. When people come to America from a foreign land, most ... more then likely, already have a rudimentary understanding, so they can assimilate on a basic level. When dealing with businesses or agencies, to help make communication easier for our newly arrived citizens, sometimes we offer another language choice. That is a GOOD thing people.

Having an OPTION .... is not some kind of insult. It's not a dig or meant to replace or disgrace the English Language. Think about it. If you go to eat dinner at a restaurant and they are known for their steaks, you don't freak out that there is also chicken and fish on the menu. Well you could, but that would make you an idiot. By being so freaked out by any language other then English, all that does is show what an intolerant  bigot you are.

It may not seem like it's a big deal to get all worked up about people speaking some other language, but here is what that kind of intolerance feeds into.... violence ..... and in this case, a glass beer mug to the face. 

Asma Jama was attacked by a "Real MURICAN" who was so upset at hearing 'non English' at a table next to her, that she not only throws the beer into the face of this peaceful American Muslim woman, but then proceeds to hit her so hard with the glass mug, she busts her lip open, resulting in 15 stitches.  

Next time you see someone post something about how horrible it is to have to have a choice of which language to select on the phone, tell them about Asma... 

Watch this Video for her account

Image from  GoFundMe