I watched Rachel Maddow and saw the video posted below about abortion Doctors being assassinated and it got me thinking. If you you believe in God and you believe that he is the ultimate Judge and he is the one who decides what is right or wrong... then doesn't that make you either a complete ego maniac or totally crazy to think you can do his job???
And it's not just this issue, but any killing done in the name of God. NO RELIGION asks its followers to kill in his name. God does not need a "Hit Man"! If God exists in what ever form you believe in, then he does not need human beings to kill for him. If you believe that God is the ultimate Judge, then what are you doing trying to perform his job? Isn't that the ultimate betrayal of God?
If God is "All Powerful" then he does not need usto carry out his plans. If you believe "Thou shall not kill" is a direct commandment from God himself, then where do you get the guts to defy him? Don't use God as an excuse for your insane behavior.
When crazy people are in full delusional mode they are not able to use logic to deal with problems. Crazy people twist and manipulate and distort reality to appease their way of reasoning and base their actions on flawed thinking.
People who use religion to act out their hatred and violent personalities are as about as far from God's wishes for us as can be.... again ... God does not need a Hit Man ...
With regard to the up roar in America over the Community Center that will contain a prayer room or otherwise known as the "Ground Zero Mosque" I would like to point out something that I think way too many folks are missing in their logic.
You are Allowedto dislike Muslims. BUT... you are not allowed morally or legally to take that dislike and violate their rights as both American Citizens or as human beings.
We all have the human right to decide who and what does not appeal to us. We all have the right to feel dislike towards someone who does not share our beliefs or values or customs. It's natural to feel dislike for something that is not part of your world.
But, as intelligent thinking creatures, we also have the ability to make a distinction and say just because I don't like something or someone, it does not mean I will act out towards it... I can accept and be tolerant of others and their beliefs and ways.
If I don't like Mexican food cause it gives me heartburn, I don't buy it... I don't eat it. Simple. As long as someone is not forcing me to eat it, it's not even an issue. I also wouldn't stop anyone from eating it because I don't like it. That would be silly.
So why can't we apply that same basic logic when it comes to Muslims in America?
Again... you are Allowed to dislike Muslims for what ever reason you have, whether it's based in culture or ideology or behavior or even ignorance. You are even allowed to be a racist in Thought .... although not in deed of course.
So when the people who protest the "Ground Zero Mosque" do so, it's okay if you don't like Muslims. Here is the thing... be Honest about it.
The Community Center that is being proposed is not breaking any law, is not being built by terrorists, is not going to effect anyone who does not want to participate in activities there. So What exactly is at issue?
If you are not a Christian but a Jew or vice versa, you wouldn't protest the building of a Church or Temple cause you didn't like or practice their faith would you? So what is the issue here?
Muslims did not attack us... radical Terrorists who happened to be Muslims attacked us. If you can't make the distinction between the two, then you need to seriously ask yourself why you can't and be honest about it. Because again... you are Allowed to dislike Muslims. But to prevent them from the same rights all Americans share is illogical, immoral, and just plain wrong.
And even If this proposed Community Center spawns Terrorists.... guess what .... then we will know where to arrest them won't we? A building does not plot terror attacks, people do. If this community center isn't allowed because the argument against it is.... it will be a haven for terrorists.... that's fine. Prove it. And even then it won't stop terrorists from plotting. They will just find someplace else, maybe terrorists will even covertly rent an office in the new structure built on ground zero itself for all we know some day. We fight terrorism by bringing them to justice for their deeds.
Unless we have evidence that this Community Center is something more sinister then being proposed, then we better stop acting like childish buffoons. The world is watching.
Look .. I know people are afraid. I understand that what is really at issue here is the fear that Muslims will take over. But what you have to hold onto is that we decide as human beings how to live our own life and no one can force us to change what is in our heart. No one can take over your heart... only you decide how to live your life.
And when you allow others to live out what is in their heart then you are only strengthening your own heart. If someone prevents you by deed or act from living your life in peace, then you have the right to defend it and defend it with honor.
A Community Center where Muslims pray in some room in a section of some undetermined floor of a facility that potentially will also house a basketball court and a cooking class etc., is not going to threaten your way of life. I promise. If instead of being afraid... you instead open yourself up to new things, you might even become a better person for it.
In case you missed the documentary called Gasland by Josh Fox that aired on HBO here are some other links and video's you can use to catch you up on this subject.
Basically "Fracking" is the means in which they Fracture rocks to release pockets of natural gas. They do this by pumping toxic chemicals into the rocks to split them open. The chemicals do a number of things but mainly it keeps the gas from exploding.
The problem is the gas and the toxic chemicals seep into water tables feeding our streams, lake and rivers. People who live on or near these sites can literally light their water on FIRE...
Wouldn't it be great if all the fast food chains picked up on this concept? Just think of the ripple effect it would generate! We don't need plastic when we have this great alternative. Write to these big companies and demand they stop using plastic and invest in new technology that protects people and the planet from toxic waste.