Friday, October 28, 2011

Muting America

Sometimes I think I am in some crazy nightmare, existing in some place that is not my home Country but some surreal place where we defend the rights of people in other countries but turn a blind eye when our own people who are in trouble need help. Only it isn't any nightmare... it's reality.

One of the more beautiful and progressive and evolved and Democratic things that has grown in the past decade or so, is the use of Social Media.

True, you can not believe everything you see or hear, but the point is that the people of this planet can be in control of what information they get. You can decide for yourself if it's a load of crappolla or not!

In other countries in the Mid-East Region, officials have actually shut down internet access to prevent the world from seeing what is actually happening instead of what they want people to believe is happening.

As Americans we condemn this type of behavior as it violates every human right there is and because it's simply not Democratic. When I saw the article posted HERE I wanted to throw up. For a second I felt like I was in a nightmare because this could not possibly be true... but sadly it is.

There is now a Bill being considered to control what we the people, in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA can say or not using Social Media. Insane!

What are we going to do about it? Here is a portion of the article...

In what would be a stunning disregard for First Amendment rights, rumors are swirling that the Republican controlled Congress is now considering a new bill that could blackout sites such as YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, and other sites that utilize content generated by users. Phones such as iPhone, Android, AmazonCloud, Pandora, Grooveshark and even your email accounts would be adversely affected.
Some provisions in the bill would make it a “felony to stream unlicensed content — including cover band performances, karaoke videos, video game play-throughs, and more.” Major profit driven corporations are the driving force behind such a bill.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

I am NOT Moving

A friend sent me this Video. If we are not allowed to speak up in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA... then all hope is gone...

I have never been ashamed of this country and for the first time... I am. If this video does not scare you and move you, then you are not right in the head....

Thursday, October 6, 2011