And how do we make up for that lost revenue exactly?
Answers anyone?
Does anyone REALLY think the rich will take that amazing windfall of a gift from their billionaire buddy to employ more people? Maybe a few will, but not enough to make any difference in the lives of every day people, and that means you, both liberal and conservative alike.
Answers anyone?
Does anyone REALLY think the rich will take that amazing windfall of a gift from their billionaire buddy to employ more people? Maybe a few will, but not enough to make any difference in the lives of every day people, and that means you, both liberal and conservative alike.
Or, do you think, given the DECADES of the historic, obscene profit taking by Americas's corporate class, that they might just possibly keep doing their whole greed thing?
C'mon all you conservative Christians out there that voted for this devil incarnate .... WWJD? I mean that. Really.
Would he give tax breaks to ....
a.) people who are struggling and may be suffering on some level physically, mentally or both, just to make ends meet.
b.) already obscenely wealthy people, who only worship money and power for their own purposes.
Would he give tax breaks to ....
a.) people who are struggling and may be suffering on some level physically, mentally or both, just to make ends meet.
b.) already obscenely wealthy people, who only worship money and power for their own purposes.
It's true, you have to hire people to maintain all of your "stuff", so there would be some job creation. Servitude and all that court jester stuff would see a spike in the job market I'm sure.
And to be fair, if the working poor/middle class get the tax break, it's also a given that some may just buy some crack with their extra cash flow and give their singles to a few pole dancers.
But then again ... so might the rich... they do love their coke & hooker parties! Can I get an AMEN!
But then again ... so might the rich... they do love their coke & hooker parties! Can I get an AMEN!
So if you are worried that the poor would throw it away on crack, Mad Dog and dirty hoes... are you also worried the rich might use it on premium coke, champagne and high priced hookers?
The question remains... who do you side with when it comes to the new Trump tax plan? Who do you root for, vote for, support? Yourself or the1% that doesn't care about you on any level except how to use you.
Do you root for yourself and those in need, who might be in need for a whole host of reasons that has nothing to do with being lazy or being a bad person ... or ... do you root for giving breaks to people who literally worship power and money over all things?
Tough choice? Let me try and sway you.
The question remains... who do you side with when it comes to the new Trump tax plan? Who do you root for, vote for, support? Yourself or the1% that doesn't care about you on any level except how to use you.
Do you root for yourself and those in need, who might be in need for a whole host of reasons that has nothing to do with being lazy or being a bad person ... or ... do you root for giving breaks to people who literally worship power and money over all things?
Tough choice? Let me try and sway you.
If you are resentful of people who get help when they don't "deserve it" {welfare queens} why wouldn't that same logic apply to the rich who get corporate welfare?
Who deserves the break? Well it depends on the circumstance. Depends on who and why and for what reasons. This requires intelligent thought. There may not be a simple answer.
True, there are some welfare frauds out there taking money from the system in some kind of scam. That's easy enough to admit to because it's true. I know some. They exist. And it's not right and I don't endorse people who do this even if they are liberals.
But if we are talking dollars and cents and looking to stop the biggest scammers from draining us dry, nothing compares to the corporate welfare that exists in our country. Corporate welfare costs us way more than any welfare queens.
And unless you are part of the richest 1%, why would you side with them when it comes to all of the issues us 99% er's face each day?
But if we are talking dollars and cents and looking to stop the biggest scammers from draining us dry, nothing compares to the corporate welfare that exists in our country. Corporate welfare costs us way more than any welfare queens.
And unless you are part of the richest 1%, why would you side with them when it comes to all of the issues us 99% er's face each day?
Why not side with the left on this issue of tax breaks? Isn't it to YOUR benefit to get the tax cut instead of the rich?
No??? Still not buying it?
No??? Still not buying it?
Well {deep sigh} maybe that's because your hatred of other people not like you, is far greater than your ability to know what is beneficial to your own life.
When you allow hatred to become part of who you are as a human being, the problem with that is it blinds you to all other things, including the good things in life.
If it's your figurative internal desire to push people off a cliff based on your bigotry, keep in mind as you push them to the edge, you are blindly walking towards the same cliff.
Don't allow hate and bigotry and especially Trump to blind you. If you do, that cliff edge already underfoot.
Peace Out ...
When you allow hatred to become part of who you are as a human being, the problem with that is it blinds you to all other things, including the good things in life.
If it's your figurative internal desire to push people off a cliff based on your bigotry, keep in mind as you push them to the edge, you are blindly walking towards the same cliff.
Don't allow hate and bigotry and especially Trump to blind you. If you do, that cliff edge already underfoot.
Peace Out ...