Sunday, April 3, 2011

Republicans Financial Hit List for America

 Want to know what the Good Old Boys are up to???? Here is what the GOP wants to do to resolve the current budget Crisis. Yes... that's right... they want to CUT the money that goes to... are you ready????

  • Children (pesky things, we should just clone Donald Trump a million times)
  • The Elderly (they are going to die soon anyway)
  • People who are sick (same as above)
  • Teachers (you know those selfish greedy people who educate kids for pennies so that our collective future is sound, nope, don't want to waste money on those bastards
  • Veterans (who already paid for our Freedom with their very lives and wounded bodies)
  • College kids (cause we don't want no ding dong Intellectual Elites running our country now do we Sara? )
  • Public radio and TV (cause TV and radio that isn't slanted by billionaires is just WRONG)
  • and .... the already homeless who depend on shelters for their very survival (cause us God fearing Christians just hate loving our fellow man and that whole do unto others thing... that's just for show... we don't really practice what we preach)

In the mean time the GOP wants to give tax breaks to people who earn more money then they know what to do with... to people who own lots of homes, lots of cars, have big boats, own islands, have so much money that they could buy everything 50 times... but no... the people listed below are the people they want to tighten their belts. What's wrong with this picture????

And middle class working America.... this is who you voted for! Maybe you need to rethink that whole "conservative" view point. Are YOU on the list? Bet you are?

The Hit list

1. Destroy 700,000 middle class jobs.
2. Zero out federal funding for National Public Radio and public television.
3. Slash $1.3 billion from community health centers and eliminate funding for Planned Parenthood.
4. Slash nearly a billion dollars in food and health care assistance to pregnant women, new moms, and children.
5. Slash support for Head Start, dropping 200,000 vulnerable children from pre-school.
6. Slash support for education to states which will eliminate 65,000 teachers and aides and dramatically increase class size.
7. Slash financial aid for 9.4 million low- and middle- income college students.
8. Slash $1.6 billion from the National Institutes of Health, a cut that will “send shockwaves” through cancer research.
9. Eliminate $400 million in support to the U.S. Weather Service’s early warning system for tsunamis, hurricanes and tornadoes.
10. Slash by 50% the number of veterans who get housing vouchers this year, which will increase homelessness among veterans by 10,000.


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