Friday, December 28, 2012

So, The World is Still Here!

Wow! No Zombies, no Rapture, no firey asteroid pulverizing the planet, no major biblical event that brings an end not only to humanity, but all creatures and reduces the planet to a smoldering cinder! Whew! That was close... or was it?

I know folks feel like things are so bad that it had to be true! The world is so messed up that it just simply had to be coming to an end.

I get it. We all feel that way at some point. But here is what you have to do to get past that feeling and put things into perspective.

Think about what we as human beings have already endured and what the planet has endured and take comfort in the fact that we are still here!

We have theoretical evidence that Earth was one a giant snowball for example and yet here we are!

The earth is pockmarked with Craters.... and yet here we are !  

The planet, and all it's living creatures, including humanity have always been under attack from the Universe and extreme weather and disease and war and so on...

Yet life goes on.... :)

We can't be afraid to LIVE

We can't be so afraid that we stop moving forward. We have to continue to learn and grow. Life is hard. It always has been and always will be. You can not escape that. So what you do instead of living in fear, is put one foot in front of the other and keep going until the day comes you can't take another step. People have lived through hell and so has the planet. Yet here we are!

In the process of living your life, you have learned so many things and whether directly or indirectly, you have also taught what you have learned to others. We, as a race, now benefit from your life experiences. The cycle of life continues from generation to generation, century to century and moves forward, even when we have problems.

Problems are not stop signs, they are obstacles. And obstacles can be overcome!

So when the next "apocalyptic prediction" rears it's ugly head, take a deep breath and keep moving forward. Don't let the people who use fear as a way to control you ... well... control you.

The most effective way to control someone is to instill fear into their hearts and minds and then tell them you are the one who will protect them. It's a con, one that has been around since the dawn of man. We are smarter then that now, and therefore less people will fall for it. And the fact that the world did not end on December 21st, 2012, as predicted, should be all the proof anyone needs that it was a con. If it's not proof for you, then you have some growing to do yet. At best it was a mistake in the interpretation of the Mayan Calendar. Either way, all you needed was a little perspective to know it would be okay.

When the world comes to an end some day and we know it will cause the sun itself can't last forever, take comfort in the fact that it's just the way the Universe works and somewhere somehow, it will all begin new again.

Science tells us that energy is never lost, it just transforms.  

Life is a ride and you have to hang on really really tight sometimes... sometimes you coast along and sometimes you fly off the rails and crash .... 

In the end, all that matters is that you went on your own personal ride and hopefully somewhere along the way, you had your hands up in the air, screaming with joy and experienced the rush and the exhilaration of life.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Patriotic Millionaires

Well I'll be a monkey's uncle! Millionaires who actually put their Country before their profit margin! Too bad they can't volunteer to pay more!
Share this with as many people as possible so that the GOP gets the message. Not all rich people are greedy, self absorbed, ignorant sociopaths.

Patriotic Millionaires Web Site 

And this is not the first time that we as a nation have been in this kind of fiscal trouble. Back in the Depression and the years that followed, leading up to the Great 1950's, the tax rate on the rich increased to 91%. Yep! And that is how we fixed a broken country.

  • Although the war is the largest tragedy in human history, the United States emerges as the world's only economic superpower. Deficit spending has resulted in a national debt 123 percent the size of the GDP. By contrast, in 1994, the $4.7 trillion national debt will be only 70 percent of the GDP!
  • The top tax rate is 91 percent. It will stay at least 88 percent until 1963, when it is lowered to 70 percent. During this time, America will experience the greatest economic boom it had ever known until that time.
The above timeline has been complied by Steve Kangas from the Resurgence Magazine.

Not The End of The World

With so many people actually believing that the Planet will self destruct or that all living creatures will be wiped off the face of the Earth on December 21st 2012...  how about another point of view on the subject? Maybe even one from someone who knows about the culture first hand even? Wonder if we can find anyone like that?

Because it's possible, just possible mind you, it was misinterpreted by people who either innocently got it wrong, or was deliberately used to scare you and therefore control you.

What if they used this ominous prediction, as a scare tactic for you to seek refuge.... with them? You know, grow their numbers so they could control more people...

You know the people I mean, the same ones that try to scare you to death and depend on paranoia and myopic thinking to convince you that there will be Death Panels and Civil War if the Black man gets re-elected, and so on.

It's the ultimate scary story... Zombies will attack us. But they have good news!  All the "believers" are spared and the non believers will be consumed by the very hungry dead. All so you can seek safety within their walls.

Are you buying it?

-And I would like to say that according to the Mayan Calendar the 21st of December marks the end of the non-time and the beginning of time. It is the end of the Macha & the beginning of the Pacha. It is the end of selfishness & the beginning of brotherhood. It is the end of individualism & the beginning of collectivism...­ the 21st of December this year.
-The scientists know very well that this marks the end of an anthropocentric­ life and the beginning of a biocentric life. It is the end of hatred & the beginning of love. The end of lies & the beginning of truth. It is the end of sadness & the beginning of joy. It is the end of division & the beginning of
unity. This is a theme to be developed, that is why... we invite you, those who bet on mankind, we invite those who want to share their instances for the good of mankind..

Here is a video from the U.N. of Bolivia's President addressing the the General Assembly's 67th Session.

Jail the Bankers?! What a Concept!

Could it be? You mean another country found a way to punish criminal acts and then use it as a deterrent? Why yes, by George I think they have it!

This is not Rocket Science. It's common sense and doable.

Who you elect to office will determine if this kind of common sense approach will become part of our solution. If you keep sending the people who got us into this mess to begin with, back to Washington, then you are giving them a free pass to cheat and steal from you over and over and over again. How dumb would that be?

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Trickle Down Theory "Epic FAIL"

Aren't these Super Mega Rich Republicans supposed to earn all this money so it will "trickle down"??? 

If that is their platform then WHY don't they let it trickle down and pay employees a fair wage? Isn't that the idea? Isn't that what they spoon feed their base?

Patronize the stores that pay a fair wage, give them your business and let companies like Pappa Johns and Wal-mart and the former Hostess company feel the sting of people waking up to their bull. 

If Sears has to hire more people cause we stop going to Wal-mart, we don't hurt the work force, we empower it. If you lose your job at Wal-mart... GOOD! Cause now all the people who would have shopped there go somewhere else and that is where you can get a new job because they will eventually need more help to cover more sales. 
Wal-mart's CEO makes more in one hour than the average worker's annual salary. SHARE this if you believe Wal-mart workers have the right to a living wage.

How safe is it to drink Decaf Coffee?

An uncle of mine who was a vegan way back in the late 70's used to tell me how bad decaf coffee was, that it was toxic in fact. Well he was right way back when and he is still right! The process they use in most cases is to soak the beans in chemicals and the chemicals are... well chemicals!!!!!! Read this article.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Dust in the Wind

This is how I personally have always have felt ever since I gave up religion. Science has shown us without doubt, that we are made up of the same chemicals that are found in every corner of the Universe. Common. Widespread. In Abundance.... not rare, not special, not created by a singular Entity, but existing as ONE. We ARE star dust. Proof. Science. No if ands or buts.... 

Why does that not excite people? Why can't people find the stability and comfort they need as emotional creatures in FACT? Why is it more acceptable to believe in fantasy then accept the facts? 

Facts make me feel at peace

I know when I die, my energy will go back out into the Universe and be absorbed up and transform. 

Our existence is not about life and death but about transformation from one thing to the next.

Baa Baa Bad Sheep

Do we want our children to be Critical Thinkers or Sheep?

No matter what hand you are dealt in life, economically speaking, the one thing you have that is free is the ability to reason. And the more you use this ability, the better you get at it. The more you question, the more you will know. The more you know, the better able you will be to handle problems independently.

The GOP thinks school is bad.... wonder why that is? Hmmm... cause maybe they want you to be a flock of sheep?

But that logic, seems to fly in direct opposition of their whole platform of Government is bad because you become dependent on it.

Well, if you are not a critical thinker, then you have to be like a sheep and be led. And that is the trick they are pulling right over the eyes of their constituents. They themselves want to be in control. They don't want anyone overseeing them. They don't want the sheep to pop up and say, wait a second, exactly where are you taking us? You are taking us to the slaughter house? What's slaughter? And they especially don't want someone stepping in for the welfare of the sheep and say, you can't slaughter all the sheep and you can't do it in a cruel fashion.

Education and critical thinking IS the enemy of the GOP because it means the can led you to your own slaughter and you won't question it or know what hit it you... well...   until it hits you...