Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Trickle Down Theory "Epic FAIL"

Aren't these Super Mega Rich Republicans supposed to earn all this money so it will "trickle down"??? 

If that is their platform then WHY don't they let it trickle down and pay employees a fair wage? Isn't that the idea? Isn't that what they spoon feed their base?

Patronize the stores that pay a fair wage, give them your business and let companies like Pappa Johns and Wal-mart and the former Hostess company feel the sting of people waking up to their bull. 

If Sears has to hire more people cause we stop going to Wal-mart, we don't hurt the work force, we empower it. If you lose your job at Wal-mart... GOOD! Cause now all the people who would have shopped there go somewhere else and that is where you can get a new job because they will eventually need more help to cover more sales. 
Wal-mart's CEO makes more in one hour than the average worker's annual salary. SHARE this if you believe Wal-mart workers have the right to a living wage.

How safe is it to drink Decaf Coffee?

An uncle of mine who was a vegan way back in the late 70's used to tell me how bad decaf coffee was, that it was toxic in fact. Well he was right way back when and he is still right! The process they use in most cases is to soak the beans in chemicals and the chemicals are... well chemicals!!!!!! Read this article.


Sunday, November 18, 2012

Dust in the Wind

This is how I personally have always have felt ever since I gave up religion. Science has shown us without doubt, that we are made up of the same chemicals that are found in every corner of the Universe. Common. Widespread. In Abundance.... not rare, not special, not created by a singular Entity, but existing as ONE. We ARE star dust. Proof. Science. No if ands or buts.... 

Why does that not excite people? Why can't people find the stability and comfort they need as emotional creatures in FACT? Why is it more acceptable to believe in fantasy then accept the facts? 

Facts make me feel at peace

I know when I die, my energy will go back out into the Universe and be absorbed up and transform. 

Our existence is not about life and death but about transformation from one thing to the next.

Baa Baa Bad Sheep

Do we want our children to be Critical Thinkers or Sheep?

No matter what hand you are dealt in life, economically speaking, the one thing you have that is free is the ability to reason. And the more you use this ability, the better you get at it. The more you question, the more you will know. The more you know, the better able you will be to handle problems independently.

The GOP thinks school is bad.... wonder why that is? Hmmm... cause maybe they want you to be a flock of sheep?

But that logic, seems to fly in direct opposition of their whole platform of Government is bad because you become dependent on it.

Well, if you are not a critical thinker, then you have to be like a sheep and be led. And that is the trick they are pulling right over the eyes of their constituents. They themselves want to be in control. They don't want anyone overseeing them. They don't want the sheep to pop up and say, wait a second, exactly where are you taking us? You are taking us to the slaughter house? What's slaughter? And they especially don't want someone stepping in for the welfare of the sheep and say, you can't slaughter all the sheep and you can't do it in a cruel fashion.

Education and critical thinking IS the enemy of the GOP because it means the can led you to your own slaughter and you won't question it or know what hit it you... well...   until it hits you...