Sunday, January 16, 2011

Bill Maher to the Teabaggers – The Founding Fathers Would Have Hated Your Guts

Finally!!!!! The Founding Fathers would HATE the Tea Party!!!!! YES!!!! If you understand ANYTHING about American History then you know that this is the real truth. The Tea Party would be the people the Founding Fathers would fight against. This kind of brain washing that is so common in this era of "I believe what Glen Beck Tells me... screw the facts..." is what is tearing this country apart.

You have to watch the first part of his "New Rules" segment which is very mature content ... so fair warning .... I can't edit that out, you have to watch to the end to see his speech about this subject. He hits the nail on the head. If you want to get right to it... fast forward this video to minute marker 2:50

Adding this on 1/31/2011... GREAT article

The Founding Fathers Supported ... Socialized Medicine?