Remember this? When a politician literally Targeted people?
Is this Terrorism? Looks like it to me.
Did she incite people to shoot? Looks like it to me.
WHAT was the "Solution"? Putting people in the cross hairs of a gun? Looks like it to me.
WHY isn't THIS terrorism? If a Muslim had a map with cross hairs posted over the areas where people who opposed Islam was found on a FaceBook Page... would we allow that? Would they be in JAIL?
When a public figure actually CALLS for a "2nd amendment solution" (that means Guns to those who don't know) ... THAT is a call to action and a call to violence. Why aren't Sara and Sharron in jail for this?
Read these links I will add more as I find them...
What the Right Gains From Poisoning Our Political Discourse and Inspiring Violence
Maddow Blog
Palin and Angle didn't Use Political Rhetoric, They Gave Instructions
Excerpt from article:
"This goes beyond just rhetoric. This is a direct prescription for an act of gun violence by Sharron Angle against a public figure identified as a gun target by Sarah Palin. This is not simply rhetoric. These are clear instructions of what to do, and against whom to do it. This warrants a criminal investigation against these two individuals and should potentially be expanded to include other politicians, and pundits, that aided and abetted them in this scheme."