Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Legalizing Pot - You have to be stoned not to!

We see commercials every day for new exotic blends of vodka flavors and apple flavored beer, hard lemonade, including tropical scenes of hipster couples with lime wedged long necks between them.

Then there are all the ads we see for anti-depressants or ads for the ones that "enhance" the anti-depressant that may not exactly be working for you so that now you can take two drugs in unison, which may or may not cause you to kill yourself as a side effect according to the commercial.

Now imagine commercials for Weed. It might not be the images you think of stoners chowing down on a bag of chips and watching cartoons either. It could be for things that actually help us as a society.

We certainly don't see images of drunks slumped over on the floor in commercials or drivers being handcuffed for being over the limit or ambulances taking away victims in the ads we see each day for booze... you just see the fun you could be having.

If it were legalized, you could see commercials that do the same kind of marketing for pot.  The commercials wouldn't focus on partying with frogs or dogs or horses, but instead have more to do with things other then just having fun getting plastered.

You might see how the oil from the plant can cure illness or replace fossil fuels. You might see how it does a better job at helping pain then any drug a chemist mixes up. You might see how the fiber from the plant can make clothing and other textiles. You might see the benefits of the seeds as a nutritional supplement. The list of positives is astounding.

Yes... you can get stoned out of your mind...but how is that different then being high on pain killers your doctor prescribed or being so drunk on wine coolers that you vomit in your dates shoes?

Legalizing pot is not going to be a free pass to get stoned. We still need to make sure you are under the same regulations you would be for any other substance that could render you stupid or dangerous.

The economic boost it could provide is also something that should make folks jump at the chance to legalize it. You don't have to be a stoner to want this to become legalized.

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