Thursday, July 25, 2013

Don't like the idea of Obamacare? Then Opt out!

I have been saying this for a long time now and I am finding more and more folks who are saying the same thing.

If you are so opposed to Obamacare, then there should be a way for folks to opt out of it. Obama really should call your bluff. But he won't cause he cares too much about the people in this country, even the ones who hate him. But it would be fun to see how fast folks would change their positions wouldn't it? Ah yes... one can dream!

If you are of the belief that family and friends and neighbors and Churches should pick up the cost of your medical care, then you should, by all means, be allowed to do just that! I would vote for that.

And if you can't pay for your care and your "circle" can't pay, then you should not be allowed to get medical treatment. Right???

That would be unfair you say???? 

But isn't that what your argument is? That people should pay for each other and only folks who can pay should get medical attention?

In case you are not aware, the entire point to Obamacare is that no one person has to bear the burden of medical costs. That's a good thing people. It's something a sane, logical person would hope for!

That as a democratic society, we all agree that certain things need to be taken care of and that all of us have to pay to cover the costs of our society. That IS Democracy.

We drive on public roads, we have public schools, libraries, public water works, police, firemen, and so on, because we all need these things. So we all pay to ensure we have them.

Why is medical care hands off? Why is that not as important? It should be the most important thing, because if we are all healthy, then our entire society thrives.

Medical care should not be a "for profit" industry. Of course folks should be able to earn a living and a good one. What they should NOT be able to do is charge so much that it is beyond obscene. Go to a hospital and ask for an aspirin. Do you think it really costs $20 a pill? Why do you think it costs that much?

The big fear that is being shoved down the throats of "poor" Republicans (which still confuses the hell out of me how that even is a thing) is that you will have to pay for someone else's medical costs. They force feed you this dribble to scare you. You stay scared of the boogie men and they make tons of money off your fear.

Look out!!!!
Maybe your money will go towards paying for a gay person or a black or Mexican or some mother with 50 kids.... how horrible!!!

Think of how horrified THEY are paying for racists and homophobes and bigots?

But here is the reality... if you don't pay a little via a system that covers us all, then IF YOU get sick and have to go to the doctor, and we continue to have people getting treated with no medical coverage.... who the hell do you think will pay for them in the end?

YOU WILL... cause all they doctor will do is pad the bill so that you are now paying for the folks he could not charge.

If you have any common sense you will understand that it's to your benefit for us all to be covered.

If you don't, then start saving your chickens to pay your doctor next time you get sick and see how fast he will show you the door.