Monday, August 26, 2013

Simple Spirituality ~ Dalai Style

Yes... it IS that simple folks!

I understand the need for community. I understand the need for spirituality. I know that is how religion comes into being. We are social creatures and the combining of our need to gather and the need to express our feelings, fuels the creation of all forms of religion.

All peoples, no matter how remote they are from others, all have some form of religion.

For me, there is a huge difference between religion and spirituality. You can have both, but they are not the same thing.

Religion is about practice and practices and dogma and conformity. Which is not a bad thing. That depends on the tenants of the faith you follow.

If your religion gives permission to do harm, then of course there is an issue. If your religion takes you to dark places, that is not spirituality, that is a cult.

But if your practices are creating giant sand Mandela's to make you feel connected to the Universe by placing tiny grains of sand into a galaxy of colors and shapes, following a ritual can be a beautiful thing. Lighting a candle can be a beautiful thing, singing a hymn can be a beautiful thing. Listening to the telling of an ancient fable can be a beautiful thing. So I am not knocking Religion in and of itself.

But at the very core of all the religions is how YOU... YOU... get through life.

Spirituality is as individual as we are.

We may have similar beliefs, similar practices and methods for connecting ourselves to the Cosmos... but at the end of the day.... the ONLY thing that counts in life... is what happens within your being. Treat the world as you would yourself.

Your body and mind and spirit are all you need.... the rest is just icing on the cake... :)

The more you try to understand the world you live in, the more spiritual you become. It's about seeking truth and every day beauty, no matter where or when.

We build monuments and buildings to worship... so we can remind ourselves. But you don't have to do that. You can look up into a star filled sky, you can watch a hummingbird drink nectar from a flower, you can listen to the rush of a fast moving river or the crash of a wave and you ARE in a church ...

It's that simple.... :) Really.