Thursday, August 22, 2013

Minimum Wage or Minimum Morality?

Yeah... we'll show em how great America is.. errrr ummm... NOT. 

Well... that is unless you gauge success by the fact that the employers of minimum wage jobs make millions in profit. We are knee deep in greedy bastards and devoid of morality. 

Now go watch Honey Boo Boo child or the Kardashians....

Image Credit

So how do we fight this? Simple... don't vote for politicians who are in the pockets of greedy corporations. 

We are a democracy last I checked and that means that we the people can decide who represents our interests. 

But you also have to be semi intelligent. You have to understand on some level how things work when it comes to politics. 

Politics is not something any of us can afford to be ignorant about. If we bury our heads cause it's too hard to follow, then we can be taken advantage of. 

We fund oil companies that are swimming in money already and yet don't fund schools... WHY do you think that is folks???? 

They want to keep the poor and working middle class dumb. Then they can tell us what ever they want to manipulate us into voting for politicians who are just sales reps for big business. 

Who is hurt by minimum wage that is over $12 or $16 an hour... no one!!!!! Because if you buy a pizza that may cost you 50 cents more, it's okay cause you are earning a decent wage. 

Well I have to admit that it will effect some people, like denying yourself that 5th house on the beach with the 5 million dollar boat parked at your own private dock. Or not buying that $350,000 bracelet or not having a car elevator so your car doesn't get it's feet wet if your beach house gets hit by a hurricane maybe every 10 years. 

Morally... those people could give up a tiny portion of their profits just a tad so you don't have to pay more for your pizza and just be a moral human being.

No one needs to make so much money that they have more homes and cars and boats then they can possibly ever use. Unless of course you let your employees live in them while you are rotating through your collection. Yeah... that'll happen. 

Look at what the CEO of Costco does. 

I embrace success. I don't knock folks who work hard and make money. What I do have a problem with is morally bankrupt people stepping on the throat of another while you take all you can get your greedy hands on.

Pharaoh sits on gold thrones in robes of silk, while the people of his domain slave in mud pits. Get it? Cause that is what is happening folks... it's the oldest battle in the world. Greed versus Good... do you vote for Ramses or the guy with the sack cloth robe? Vote for Ramses if you want to work in his mud pit.

Don't let them keep you ignorant. Go to a library and teach yourself. If you can read, you can educate yourself and then you don't need to take a back breaking job and only earn $7.25 an hour.