Thursday, July 28, 2016

"Bernie or Bust" Peeps ... Let's Win The War

I just read a really insightful article pointing out the fact that ... in essence... Bernie DID win. Certainly not in the way the Bernie or Bust peeps wanted, but there is a silver lining to all this. 

Yes, Bernie lost the battle, but his passion and ideals, will help us win the war. To coin a Drumpf-ism.... that's HUuuGE! 

Bernie made history. His base ... made history. Together, you influenced an entire party and made such great arguments for truly progressive ideals, that it's now the very foundation for our current platform. That's a Victory folks!

Here's the problem we face though ... if you can not let go and get past the fact that a battle was lost and move forward on this, you are now nothing more than an obstructionist, maybe even to the point that the war will be lost. How does that kind of defiant mind set, honor the battle you fought if you prevent us from winning the war?

The troops need to move forward. There are more battles to fight before its all over. If you are stuck in the field infighting over something you can't change, you are putting all of the troops at risk. We need to regroup and work as one if we are going to win the war. 

You did NOT fight in vein. 

The good news is that Bernie is now free to be the most effective, passionate, vocal and influential activist he can be! 

That is the silver lining to all of this. 

That's how we will win the war.