Monday, July 25, 2016

"Bernie or Bust" Peeps ... We Need Your Help!

Bernie or Bust folks... I have really tried to respect you and your passion, really I have. But what was once a passion full of good intent ...  has now turned into childish behavior. 

I LOVE Bernie! I have loved his views since way before he ran for the Presidency.

~ I believe that the country needs to supply it's people with fundamental rights and also provide a safety net for folks who need our collective help. 

~ I believe that big money has to be removed from the table when it comes to politics. You should never be able to buy an election or politician.

~ I believe the care of our planet should never be a political football, but something we all take part in caring and fighting for. 

I am totally with Bernie on those points.

I was torn for a long time over Hillary or Bernie, but I voted for Hillary in the primaries because even though I love Bernie, I felt that she had the experience and skills and strength to run our country more so then Bernie. Not that he couldn't, but that she was better suited. I am NOT anti Bernie, I want to be clear about that. 

Also note that I am not exactly in love with Hillary, but that's okay. It's okay because I firmly believe that she is the kind of human being that can change her position if she feels there is a good reason to do so. When you know better, you do better and she gets that.

I also feel confident that her entire LIFE is based on doing things for the greater good. 

So Bernie didn't win. That's life... you can either have a temper tantrum over it or do the next best thing. 

If you don't Vote Blue in November or don't even bother to vote in protest that is 100% your right... but... keep in mind you are playing right into the hands of the GOP who are absolutely laughing at us over this whole mess.

The right wants to divide us. 

It's a PLOY. 

Don't fall for it.

Just because Bernie didn't win, doesn't mean you have to stop loving him. 

So let's use an analogy. Pretend you are going some place to eat a nice juicy steak, that you have been totally craving for months, only to find out they are don't offer that as a choice anymore!

Instead of staying and ordering something else... you have a melt down and flip the table over, knock trays of food out of the hands of the waiters, set fire to the curtains and storm out like a 3 year old brat.

Or....... you get the chicken and deal with it. You aren't happy but you don't take it out on anyone for not getting what you wanted. 

In keeping with the same restaurant theme, now we move on to apathy (not voting at all). 

Because they don't offer what you want any longer, you decide to just not eat there at all (which is fine) but on the way out, you notice that they don't let Blacks, Muslims, Gays or Mexicans in at all. 

You have a choice, you can ignore it, or you can help by speaking up or making sure you support someone who will fight for them. 

If you are a good person, you don't ignore people who need help with any form of injustice or enable the offenders.

Well guess what... the Democratic party needs your help fighting injustice! 

We need your help to win against those who would gladly deny people, based on some form of bigotry!

This is bigger then YOU.

If you are all about doing the right thing for the greater good, then morally, you should vote for Hillary this November. 

She may not be your first love or first choice and you may not even like her, but the thing is, she will fight the kind of injustice the other side perpetuates.