Today I was thinking about all the people who sort of "motivated" me to begin this Blog and began wondering why I was really doing this.
Who pushed me to the edge? What made me say I have to speak up .... was it this buffoon? Oh Yeah.... but he's only one of them.
Who pushed me to the edge? What made me say I have to speak up .... was it this buffoon? Oh Yeah.... but he's only one of them.
It occurred to me that in a round about way.... I should actually be thankful for the Kooks that are out there right now... you know... Palin, Limbaugh, Beck, O'Reilley...
It's because of their radical, hate filled, intolerant, close minded propaganda that I feel like I can't just continue to be a by-stander in the country any longer. I feel like there isn't a minute to waste because it's these people that I view as the real threat to this country. They are the bullies in the school yard. They are the ones who will destroy this country... but that's only if we let them.

Diversity is what makes Life Thrive
Even in Nature, when any species of plant or animal is up against impossible odds, and their way of life is being threatened... they adapt... they evolve.
It's the threat of being destroyed that cultivates Evolution. Without that threat...there wouldn't be
Shells to protect you....

Wings to let you fly ...
Legs to let you run ....

Or Flowers that protect their tender buds with sharpened thorns...
And the list goes on....
If you think about it in those terms.... the threat of being crushed, the threat of being caught and the threat of being eaten .. all of it... can actually bring about beauty and strength and help Diversify life on our tiny blue planet.
So Thank You Glen Beck... and thanks to all the people who will force us to rally...
So bring out all the nuts jobs, kooks and sociopaths you have on hand... because in the end it will be a catalyst for change.

Most Liberals and Hippies are known for being rather quite, passive people... but I have a feeling that is about to change. Maybe one day people will say... 'Gee... what ever you do... Don't piss off a Hippy!'

.........You Betcha!!!!