But trust me... I am NOT fond of the Democratic party. I think the current body of Democrats in the House and Senate are more or less equivalent to weak, spineless jellyfish.
I feel like the two party system has been replaced. I feel like there is actually only ONE party in our Government and its called Politician
All the elected Democrats & Republicans (with few exceptions) basically have the same exact agenda IMHO. They are there to further a career, make money or attain power.It's an ego trip. Very few are true servants of the people. There aren't two sides... two differing points of view working on doing what's best for our country any more. Our current political system is comprised of individuals seeking office for their own personal gain. Few represent the actual People that elected them.
And if they aren't in it for their own gain, they turn into something worse... puppets. Eventually, the "weak willed" officials cave into the pressure of the almighty Lobbyists and at some point allow themselves to be manipulated as puppets for big business...

Even though I have liberal Social views.... I am Conservative when it comes to other things. Thus I view myself as an Independent. But alas... those views are for another day! Today... I am hot & bothered over one thing...
....the current uproar over Health Care!
Someone please explain to me WHAT the problem is with the GOP? I want to understand it. I want to understand what the opposition is over this. So far, the only argument I see being presented by the GOP is based on hatred for other people. If it's NOT.. what else is it? Please enlighten me....
If it's about MONEY.... then why didn't they stop Bush from bleeding us dry? We are currently paying for the multitude of horrid mistakes Bush made (now and probably for the next 50- 100 years) .... yet "Obama" gets the blame as if it's HIS fault.... give me a break! It's insane.
If it's about Keeping Government OUT of our lives... then why do they want to see Laws created..... dictating how we live our life?

If you want Government OUT of our lives, then stay out of the medical decisions and the moral choices women have been making for hundreds of generations.
Don't THOSE two things invade the most intimate, private, personal aspect of our lives?
Okay so it's not about any of those things you say....
If it's about the Crazy idea that Health Care for all Americans = Socialism .... then every law that is in place to protect the public or benefit the public is also Socialism. In case you hadn't noticed... ALL Government employee's have Health Care coverage! Is THAT Socialism? Why is it okay for the people we elected to be taken care of... but Not for the people who got them their job?

If you are a Republican and are appalled by the current behavior of your party and it's self appointed fanatical leaders... please please please make sure these insane people do not speak for you. Speak out against this behavior ... even if it is your own party.
We can't allow the fringe of people that exists right now to keep spewing inflammatory hate speech and in the process pull our country down.
Debate is good... Opposing views... also good
No one wants a country where you can't speak your mind.... But.... what is going on right now is only fanning flames and pouring fuel into a fire that is already out of control.
If you TRULY LOVE this country.... then don't let extremists ... from either side... take over.
Think about it... if you have a child who did something wrong.... would you cover for them or let them know they crossed a line?
I love this country too much to see it be brought down by people who are incapable of intelligent thought...Don't be scared.... stand up... we can take it...