I have always hesitated to share my political views publicly. Those who know me, know my politics of course...
But to put yourself out there and expose yourself as a potential target for any fanatic who disagrees... well... it's actually pretty frightening to say the least.
But it finally hit me... if I keep my views to myself and stay safely tucked in my little cocoon ... then all the bullies and maniacs of the world will only get louder and stronger. If we stand back and remain silent... their hate and ignorance, their distorted views, is all people will hear.
If people don't stand up for what they believe in, then when the day comes that you get trampled on... you only have yourself to blame...

I am not going to let fear stop me any longer. If you believe the world can be a better place and we can live in relative harmony and can figure out how to solve problems together as Human Beings... Put aside your fears and stand up with me.