Well, in keeping with my attempt at trying to understand who these people are, I came across this article from a site called Alternet where the author talks about the people who are aligning themselves with the Tea Party. It gives some perspective into who they are for the most part. It's a generalization, maybe a bit harsh, but a fairly accurate one in my opinion from what I have seen of the activity that goes on at many of their social sites on the internet.
This is a subject I have really been struggling with myself. I wanted to understand what makes them tick. I want to find how they differ from Main stream Republicans. When I came across this article, it really just crystallized it for me.
Are the Teabaggers Just Republicans in Denial?
What had eluded me all this time was a simple explanation. For the most part... people in the Tea Party certainly seem to be annoyed, angry, bitter people who are humiliated that they got their butts kicked by wimpy peaceful Democrats (AKA Hippies). They basically just don't want to align themselves with the losing side. They are... I am afraid to say... sore losers.
Take a look at their Mission Statement it seems harmless enough, but when you look at the discussions and the replies and the blog posts and the pictures they post of themselves... a clear type of person emerges.
These are people who want a Revolution and pepper their social site with images to bolster this state of mind. Images after all are worth a thousand words. Don't take my word for it... look for yourself...
There you will find a women who dresses herself in 1860's garb, countless pictures of Revolutionary & Civil War images, people in Tri-corner hats wearing Wal-Mart shirts made to look like the Flag, LOTS of pictures of guns, military planes, tanks, trucks, Swamp buggies (or trucks hopped up on steroids to go hunting in the woods for man eating deer and rabbit) pictures of signs about guns like the one above.
There are pictures of Obama in lots of nasty cartoons and mocked up images like this one.

Then we have the threatening ones with blood on swords like this one.
Not sure if you can see it but they have Obama... spelled oboma (Click on it to see a bigger image)
There's pictures of Jesus, and more stylized versions of the American flag that I ever knew existed...
And then there are clever shirts like this one. Funny, most liberals I know work... hmmmm... you know, people like those lazy ass Teachers and Social Workers, writers, poets, environmentalists, Professors of Law, scientists... you know the kind!

They basically are PISSED and looking for someone to Blame!!! But if they want to point fingers... why aren't they pointing them at the guy who got us into the Debt we are in? We are paying those taxes you are fighting tooth and nail over cause of "W". Why don't you have one of your rallies on his Ranch?

America is about freedom and we all have the right to our beliefs and people in the Tea Party have every right to dissent.
But WHAT are they upset over? That's the real question. From the outside looking in... to me ... they look like people who don't want to live in a country where people help each other and no one is left out because of money or color or age, or disability or orientation. To me... people in the Tea Party are intolerance incarnate. Well good luck with that.... hope it all works out for you. Cause us Hippies ....feel a little differently.