The Pope certainly has a storm cloud over his head amidst all the documented cases of sexual abuse endured by innocent children from within the Catholic Church for decades now.
Here is the recent article about the current state of things from the New York Post
The denial of these acts is delusional at best. These are criminal acts and yet they are being given a pass because the Pope and the Catholic Church as a whole...believe they are above the law.
If these acts were being committed by a secular organization... say the 4H club... wouldn't they be in jail? Would the Pope and his almighty Church call for the protection of children being raped and molested by 4H leaders or would they stand by as abusers got transferred to other locations? Why are we as a society allowing this? Why aren't Catholic's across the Globe calling for his removal?
If the moral and spiritual leader of the Catholic Church is morally bankrupt himself... what hope is there for the future of the church? If he was a true servant of God... he would step down, take the blame, repent and spend the rest of his natural life doing things to help the victims that suffered because his arrogance and ego.

Whoopi Goldberg made an impassioned plea on the View today... see what she says here
The View Video Clip Of Whoopi telling it like it is...