I was confused and said that no... only three weeks ago I was at their office and had blood drawn at their office and that I was going to a specialist they referred me to and wouldn't you know it... had More blood work done at that office....whew!!!!! This is not even including the three days of the "Tag You're it" phone calls cause they got my hubby's appointment wrong... You know the drill folks... I wanted someone to blame... I wanted to point a finger...
Then it came to me like a bolt of lightening, that it's a good thing the new Health Care Reform/Law hadn't kicked into action yet.
Like voices calling out in a bad dream... I pictured millions of people blaming Obama for stuff like this. I envisioned them saying things like...
This kind of stuff never happened before....
See this is what you get with "Government Run" Health Care...
This would have never happened before the Government screwed things up...

So the Drippy Hippy is making a landmark Prediction.... when people have a problem with anything that goes awry in the future with their health care.... Obama will be the scapegoat. It's our nature to place blame just like I wanted to do.
The days of cursing the Insurance Companies will be a thing of the past...
It won't be about the Doctor messing up or about the nurse or the office staff getting it wrong... it won't be about human error... it won't be about bad decisions or Malpractice... it will all be about Obama and how it's His Fault.
It will be his fault cause he created the system. It will be his fault because he made it too hard for Doctors to do their job. It will be his fault because regulations are too strict.... need I go on?
So place your bets now.... how close do you think I will come to predicting the future?