To all of my fellow liberals ... stop dividing us up into little pieces. We have the same goal.
I am now having to delete some liberal friends (and some are deleting me) who are very busy having debates about how to handle this election.
Here is the point, going into battle itself simply does not make you a bad person because you choose to FIGHT.
What matters is that we are on the same side... the good side... the UN-racist UN-Bigoted side.
It's like saying all soldiers who choose to take up arms, are all terrorists. Not even close.
So let's use an analogy... a gun can be used for good or for bad. The gun serves a purpose. It is used to injure or kill.
The person using a gun is not good or bad until the time comes that they use the gun for good or evil (for lack of a better word)
If the police or a soldier uses a gun to protect innocent people, or in self-defense, the gun becomes a tool .... for good. We support our troops when they fight terrorism.
If a racist or terrorist or sociopath uses the same exact gun as a cop or soldier (think of mall and school shootings) that's when it becomes a tool for evil.
The issue is not the gun. The issue is who is using it and what their intentions are while using it.
So If us liberals pick up that "metaphorical gun" by saying will not accept the presidency of a mad man, it does not mean we are the same as bigots who denounced Obama.
You can not compare us to someone who is a bigot just because we denounce Trump like they denounced Obama!!!!!!!!!! That is insane!!!!! It's not even in the same universe if you think about it. So knock it the hell off already! Stop the infighting already.
If people decide that they are going to fight against bigotry and fascism and all that goes with it, by denouncing Trump.... that does not make us evil or equal to bigots in any way shape or form.
I get the whole, don't become the very thing you hate credo. But we are not becoming bigots or terrorists. We are simply using the same tool as they did.
All this infighting going on among us....
guess what folks...
you are playing RIGHT into their hands.
You are just playing the blame game because you don't know what else to do, while they are sitting back having a ball watching us argue about not being a hypocrite and slowly tearing each other apart in the process.
We are messing up. Again.
When you realize that fighting bigots is not being a hypocrite, then we can get back to defeating bigotry. All you are doing is wasting time and effort when the real enemy is getting away.
As Cher said....