This time, I don't think I can be dramatic enough to get this point across.
I feel like we are witnessing the creation of an American ISIS. As Trump is building his cabinet in his pre-presidency, he keeps adding people with the most extreme views. How exactly is he going to represent ALL Americans this way?
There is no consideration for the liberals ... as of yet...
Some claim Trump is actually not a racist because he himself, has not done anything directly racist (or bigoted) as in calling people names like 'spear chuckers' or 'fags' etc.,
Well here's the thing, just because he doesn't get his hands dirty, you can't claim he isn't actually guilty of racism. He is the mob boss, the ring leader, the orchestrator, the puppet master pulling all the strings. THAT is what makes him a bigot. Don't get sidetracked by technicalities. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck ...
The latest in the line up... a man who feels that Muslims who don't speak up against terrorists are complicit. Then I assume that with that logic, all whites and/or Christians who don't speak up against the KKK or any other hate group ... are complicit as well??? No? Why Not?

Democratic groups blasted Pompeo's selection Friday. They cited Pompeo's allegations in 2013 that Muslim Americans do not speak out enough against terror attacks and could therefore be "potentially complicit" in those attacks.
Who knows if this person will be appointed or will last, but it's just another brick being added to a wall. Trump will get his wall, maybe just not in a literal sense.
On one side, there will be all of the radical extremist right wingers and the moderate or "slightly right wing" fools who are too afraid to denounce them. On the other side, will be the people who fight injustice and prejudice and all that goes with it.
This is the birth of something really bad. It was one thing when they hid in the shadows but this is not acceptable. Not only did they come out into the open, they took over the country. WTF!!!!!
I personally feel like the Alt Right has become a terrorist group born of ignorance, apathy and hate and is looking for vengeance and the elimination of all things liberal. It's like we are witnessing a 'Murican" version of ISIS being formed. I'm scared folks.