Saturday, November 12, 2016

This isn't "Sour Grapes" ... it's called being Patriotic ...

And that is just what they could fit on a MEME.... the list goes on. 

I keep having the same argument with a lot of my liberal friends and of course this is also the cry of the right... 

'it's sour grapes and you are just a bunch of cry babies and you are being unpatriotic' etc., 

Sorry folks, but you are so wrong that it's actually scary you think and feel that way. 

If you love this country and all that it was founded on, then you need to fight this election. Not through violence. Not through any illegal means, but via the system we have in place to keep tyrants out of the White House. 

More to come on this... Faithless Electors

Michael Moore has said that he will either quit or be impeached. Huffington Post Article 

He is right. And hopefully it will be sooner then later. I know that puts Pence in place, but that's a whole other topic.

Prof. Allan Lichtman was one of the few professional prognosticators to call a Donald Trump win – and now he has another prediction. Washington Post Article