Sunday, November 13, 2016

What to say to your Republican Friends, if you have any left...

I did not write this and when I find out who did I will share that detail ... if they want it to be public. 

I have some digging to do, not just because I don't want any credit for the words you are about to read here on my Blog, but I want to personally thank them for saying exactly how I and many many others feel and then managing to put that into the best possible use of the English language I have read. 

I hope that you share these words with others. 

Don't ask me to heal.

You and I are now on opposite sides of a great cultural divide. 

In casting your vote for Donald Trump, you have shown me a part of you that I didn't know was there and I seriously cannot accept in you.

You have demonstrated to me that you are a staggeringly poor judge of character, a gambler who is willing to throw away my children's future for the sake of your "grievances," an apologist for a sexually-assaulting intellectual midget and the world's most transparent fraud.

Now, excuse the hell out of me, but when you roll the dice with the country I used to love and you endanger all the social progress we have made for the last 50 years, and you normalize hate-mongering and bigotry - I'm sorry, but it tends to make me a tad cranky.

So, please don't reach out to me. Don't ask me to "move forward" and get beyond this or to try to understand why you chose to play a high stakes game of Russian Roulette with my homeland. Please don't tell me that these feelings I have should not be directed at you - because you're not like the rest of them.

You're different and you're better?

Well, maybe you are and maybe you're not. 

But I know enough about you to know that you went into a voting booth on November 8th and decided that it was a real dandy idea to cast your ballot for sheer unvarnished stupidity and hatred. 

Good enough for me. We can stop right there.

There may come a time for healing. I really don't know. But that time is not now.

Now, I'm busy trying to figure out how to roll up my sleeves and do my part to clean up the huge shit you have just taken on the United States of America.

So, do me a favor and back off. 

Leave me alone. 

I don't want to speak to you and I don't want to know you and God knows I'm through trying to reason with you. I have had more luck elucidating my cat.

I'm angry, I'm hurt, I'm negative and I have reached a level of disgust that I didn't think was humanly possible to achieve in one lifetime. 

There is not an enlightened thought in my head right now.

I'm not going to take the high road. 

You wanted a wall? Then you'll be thrilled to know that mine goes up right now.

You have made a mess the rest of us are going to be spending years trying to clean up.

Unfriend me. Unfollow me. Block me. Take your computer and throw it out the nearest window. I don't care. I will not share my computer screen with you. 

I'm appalled that I have to share my planet with you.

Are we straight? Good. 

Now get out of my way. I'm busy.

My new friends and I have got about 100 years of mopping up after you to do.

~unknown author~