If you don't know about the McCarthy era, please do some research on your own. Instead of linking you to any of it, I think it's high time folks get back to reading and learning how things work.
Maybe it's a good thing to know even just a little of our nations history so you can know what what to avoid and so on....
You see, when you know something about history, you can sit back and objectively view all the sides. You can agree or disagree on the mind set of things ... the how and why and all that. History, real history, is made up of facts and are pure truth. How we use facts, is the key. It can be to our advantage in so many ways. The big advantage is actually knowing what you are talking about.
Here's an image you can chew on just to get your juices flowing.
With this tidbit of info, you can now look at today's world and compare it in any way you wish to this...
{{Watch the whole video, but when you get to about time marker 4:40 this is what I want you to see}}
You can find out more via the Frontline piece and this website The Wrap.
Vengeful list making ...
Bowing down to Trump ...
Most powerful man in the universe ....
Forget Trump, this nut job just made me pee my pants a little.